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Dale Hansen Unplugged: Celebrating our differences

By 13 februari, 2014No Comments

Springer på detta underbara nyhetsklipp i mitt flöde. Ser den korta tv-snutten och överväldigas av det perfekt uppbyggda talet. Amerikanarna kan sin retorik.

Följande är ett slags försvarstal som stödjer Michael Sam, USA:s första öppet homosexuella fotbollsspelare i NFL. Lyssna noga på hur Dale Hansen bygger sin argumentation kring varför det är helt fel att räkna bort Sam i den närliggande draften. Notera hur han använder bilder som väcker känslor, citat som han sedan parafraserar och till sist avslutar med en väl underbyggd uppmaning. Rasande stiligt!

Dale Hansen Unplugged.

”… and then yesterday Missouri’s All American defensive Michael Sam, the SCC:s Defensive Player of the Year and expected to be a third to fifth round pick in the NFL draft, tells the world he’s gay. The best defensive player in college football’s best conference only a third to fifth round NFL pick? Really? That IS chocking. And I guess that other thing is too.

Michael Sam would be the first openly gay player in the NFL says he knows there will be problems and they’ve already started.

Several NFL officials telling Sports Illustrated it WILL hurt him on draft day because a gay player wouldn’t be welcome in a NFL locker room.

”It will be uncomfortable, because that’s a man’s world.”

You beat a women and drag her down a flight of stairs pulling her hair out be the roots – you’re the fourth guy taken in the NFL draft.
You kill people while driving drunk – that guy is welcome.
Players caught in hotel rooms with illegal drugs and prostitutes – we know they’re welcome.
Players accused of rape and pay the woman to go away, you lie to the police trying to cover up a murder – we’re comfortable with that.
You love another man – well now you’ve gone too far.

It wasn’t that long ago we were told that black players couldn’t play in our games, because it would be uncomfortable.
And even when they finally could, it took several more years before a black man played quarterback. Because we weren’t comfortable with that either.

So many of the same people who used to make that argument, and many who still do, are the same peolple who say government should stay out of our lives but then want government in our bedrooms.
I never understood how they felt comfortable laying claim to both sides of that argument.

I am not always comfortable when a man tells me he’s gay. I don’t understand his world. But I do understand he’s part of mine.
Civil rights activist Audre Lorde said: It is not our differences that divide us, it is our inability to recognize, accept and celebrate those differences.

We’ve always been able to recognize them, some of us accept them, and I want to believe that there will be a day when we do celebrate them.

I don’t know if that day is here yet, I guess we’re about to find out. But when I listen to Michael Sam, I do think it’s time to celebrate him now.”

/Dale Hansen on abc News Unplugged

Vad säger man? Världsklass.

Noterar Camilla

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